LOOPS Series: Special Issue in Earth System Dynamics

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We have organized a Special Issue entitled “Social dynamics and planetary boundaries in Earth system modelling” in the increasingly highly reputed, ISI-listed journal Earth System Dynamics (ESD), published by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) through Copernicus. The aim is to collect a number of forward-looking papers that consider including social dynamics taking place within the Earth system in future models, with a particular attention to planetary boundaries (e.g., defining and quantifying such planetary boundaries, consequences and preconditions for staying within or transgressing these).


  • Wolfgang Lucht (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany)
  • Jonathan Donges (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany and Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden)
  • Axel Kleidon (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany)
  • Sarah Cornell (Stockholm Resilience Center, Sweden)
  • James Dyke (University of Southhamption, United Kingdom)
  • Murugesu Sivapalan (University of Illinois, USA)

Special issue open period for submission

May 1st, 2014 – April 30th, 2017

More information on the submission process

The fast track challenge

  • The reward: The lead author of the first paper to be submitted to this Special Issue before the deadline (1 March 2015) received an original palaeolithic hand axe (selected by Wolfgang Lucht) that is at least 200,000 years old. This artefact is from a large old collection and not of specific value to archaeologists.


As ESD currently does not have page charges in 2015, there are no page charges for manuscripts submitted in 2015. Reduced page charges will be applicable starting on January 1st, 2016.

About the journal Earth System Dynamics (ESD)

  • Earth System Dynamics is an international, interdisciplinary scientific journal for the publication of original research that takes a systems perspective of the functioning of the whole Earth system and global change. ESD aims to publish fundamental and applied research that seeks to better understand the interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, and land, the effects of global change, as well as the biosphere and human activity. ESD is published by the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
  • The scope of ESD encompasses contributions that investigate these various aspects and their underlying mechanisms, ways how these can be conceptualized, modelled, and quantified, and the predictions of the overall system behavior. Contributions range from complex systems theory, physical climatology, global climate modelling, atmosphere-biosphere interactions, biogeochemical cycling, scenarios of global climate change, geoengineering, renewable energy, land use change, to impact assessments.
  • ESD is listed in the Web of Science (Thomson-Reuters ISI index).
  • ESD employs the innovative two-stage publication process of the EGU that enables the rapid publication of a manuscript after editorial review in Open Discussion (ESDD) that is citable. The open discussion period for ESD is 6 weeks during which the reviewers post their comments, as well as any member from the broad scientific community, followed by the author’s response. The final paper is published online in ESD as a peer-reviewed publication as soon as it is accepted. All papers are published in open access.
  • More information on ESD can be found at: http://www.earth-system-dynamics.net/