Guest Stays

B-EPICC aims to conduct short-term research stays at PIK to exchange with partners and scientists from the partner countries: Brazil, Ethiopia, Peru, Tanzania and India.

Shakwaanande Natai

Shaakwanande Natai (left) with B-EPICC project coordinator Andrea Kambergs ©ProjectManagement

22/01/2024-26/01/2024: Shakwaanande Natai, member of the projects Advisory Board Tanzania, visited PIK for the B-EPICC Final Events. During the B-EPICC Final Events she looked back at the collaborative work to reduce the gap between climate research and its application in policy and societal decision-making in Tanzania. Shakwaanande Natai collaborated with the project´s agricultural team, specifically in the context of the development of climate forecasting and crop modeling. During the Final events she compared the situation and experience in Tanzania with guest researchers from other partner countries and discussed possible joint research and capacity building initiatives beyond the B-EPICC project.

Emmanuel Ole Kileli Leyani

Photo: EPICC

December 2019 - January 2020: The EPICC project migration team received Emmanuel Kileli Leyani, Progam Officer at Parakuiyo Pastoralists Indigenous Community Development Organization (PAICODEO), founder and director of the Ereto Maasai Youth Organization (EMAYO), and Executive Director of The Kesho Trust. He participated in the first EPICC workshop in Dar es Salaam.

Mr. Leyani applied his expertise to review and validate the results of EPICC research on mobile farmers and pastoralists in Tanzania, including co-authoring research outputs. Discussions with the team helped to elaborate on local perceptions, intentions, and expectations for livelihood responses to climate change, including migration.

Mr. Leyani presented “Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP)”, a participatory training methodology to integrate meteorological forecasts with indigenous knowledge and practices, in order to build community-based plans for farmers and livestock keepers. The lecture spoke to a key objective of the EPICC project, namely, to improve co-production and dissemination of clear and timely climate information.

For more information about Emmanuel and his work in Tanzania, please click here and information about his past research click here. If you would like to get in touch with Emmanuel, please feel free to contact him directly via email: Olaisi2003[@]