2. Bauinformation - english

1st quarter of 2012

Dear colleagues,

Now, at the beginning of a new year we would like not only to wish you a good start but also to inform you about advances connected with the new building. We are thus following the new format of “building information” started in September last year. I will start with a short overview on finished, ongoing and forthcoming building measures before describing briefly a new decision concerning the energy-efficiency requirements. Furthermore, first milestones have been reached in the connected research project and shall be named as well.

The demolition of building A50 had started at the end of November and could be finished just before Christmas as scheduled. The relocation of the fresh water pipeline could be started in parallel and is ongoing. The examination of the area for warfare materiel will be starting in January. Necessary deforestation will also start in January. An agreement has been found with Forstbetriebs-gemeinschaft Fresdorfer Heide e. V. (collective farming of timberland) for compensation measures.

For the data center a Cold-Aisle-Contaiment has been planned to optimize the cooling system. The cold aisle is completely separated from the warm aisle by encasing the racks with aluminium profiles as well as wall and ceiling panels. Thus, the energy necessary for the cooling system can be reduced by 10%. Furthermore, the deployment of ebullient cooling will be considered. Ebullient cooling would allow a more efficient extraction of heat both for the heating of the new building and other buildings on the campus. To reach the goal of high energy efficiency triple glazing will be provided for the windows of each cylinder.  For the interior phase change materials and loam rendering to enhance the indoor climate will be considered.

In parallel to the ongoing planning of the building the research project has started. TU Dresden has finished a model of the new building and facilities to simulate the energy consumption. The model contains data on the geometry of the building, the structural design, and profiles of the user, heating, ventilation and air conditioning as well as lightning technology. The model has been amended by geographical data, exposure to wind and solar radiation as well as climate data. Once the building is finished and everybody has moved in a monitoring of the energy consumption will take place. As a first step a concept for the monitoring has been established. To implement the decision of the community of users (Nutzergemeinschaft) to develop a joint energy concept first discussions with GFZ and AWI are scheduled for January. Scientific coordinator of the research project is – since first of December 2011 - Ms. Christine Kühnel  (http://www.pik-potsdam.de/members/kuehnel).

The research project will be presented at a congress organized in Hamburg by the federal Ministry of Economics and Technology the 17th to 18th of January.
More information about the new building and the research projects can now be found at the website of PIK at http://www.pik-potsdam.de/services/infothek/telegraphenberg-d/forschungsneubau (so far only in German).

