Keynote Presentations from the 2nd AVEC International Summer School, Peyresq, 18-30 September 2005

Speaker: Claus Beier
Risø National Laboratory, Biosystems Department, Ecosystems Programme, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Title of the talk: Vulnerability assessment for European shrublands to climate change (pdf: 4,4MB)


Claus Beier (CB) born 1958, holds a degree in chemical engineering (environmental ecology) and a PhD in atmospheric deposition from the Technical University of Denmark. CB has worked intensively with ecosystem manipulation in forested and non-forested ecosystems for more than 15 years focussing on effects of acidification, nitrogen deposition and climate change on ecosystem functioning, in particular the effects on nutrient cycling. CB’s main areas of expertise are ecosystem manipulation at the field scale, deposition and nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration in plants and modelling of C and N circulation.

CB is presently leader of the large Danish research centre CLIMAITE (Climate change effects on biological processes in terrestrial ecosystems) involving six Danish research groups, which will study the effects of future changes in atmospheric CO2, water and temperature on biological processes in terrestrial ecosystems and has developed a large and unique research facility to manipulate these factors at the field scale.

CB has coordinated three large EU projects (CLIMOOR, VULCAN and EPRECOT), participated in two EU projects (EXMAN and CLIMEX), and is presently co-ordinator of the ecosystem manipulation activities involving 25 European experimental research groups within a large EU project NitroEurope-IP (NEU), which will start in February 2006. CB is in the steering committee of the EU-funded concerted action AVEC and has formed a strong network to many researchers and relevant research groups in Europe, US and elsewhere, e.g. CB is involved in the US-funded networks TERACC and PRECIPNET.

CB has strong experience in managing large multidisciplinary research projects including communication with potential end users and the public through web-communication and popular scientific articles. CB has received in-house training in management. CB has published 48 papers in international scientific journals with peer review. The publication list including publications since 1995 is available on and type: CLBE

AVEC is a EU FP5 Concerted Action No. EVK2-CT-2001-20010
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