Keynote Presentations from the AVEC International Summer School, Peyresq, 14-27 September 2003

Speaker: Anne de la Vega
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Telegrafenberg C4, 14473 Potsdam, Germany

Title of the talk: Theory and practice in science-stakeholder dialogue (pdf: 3,5 Mb)


Physical geographer by training (Msc. Quaternary geomorphology and sedimentology at University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland). PhD in Holocene coastal environmental change, with emphasis on palaeoecology, coastal morpho-dynamics in the Scottish Orkney archipelago (Coventry University, UK). 1st Postdoctorate appointment as Research Fellow focussed on bottom-up coastal vulnerability assessment with focus on accelerated sea-level rise in Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific and part-time lecturer in coastal zone management (Flood Hazard Research Centre, UK). Presently at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (Germany). Current work: 1) coordinator of the stakeholder dialogue within the ATEAM project (Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Analyses and Modelling), 2) scientific coordinator of the DINAS-COAST project (top-down integrated modelling of coastal vulnerability to accelerated sea-level rise). Current research: theory and practice of science – stakeholder dialogue; managed retreat: a feasible coastal management option? Integrated and vulnerability assessments.

AVEC is a EU FP5 Concerted Action No. EVK2-2001-00074
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