Climate Data

(for Europe)

Christoph Menz
Slides available at
# Outline - Observation Datasets - Station Observations - Gridded Observations - Reanalysis - Global Climate Model Data - Bias Adjustment - Regional Climate Model Data


Station Observations

Famartin CC-BY-SA 4.0

Martinvl CC-BY-SA 3.0

Famartin CC-BY-SA 4.0

Riosolar CC-BY-SA 4.0

## Example Station Data - Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD)

STN---,WBAN , YEARMODA,   TEMP,  ,   DEWP,  ,  SLP  ,  ,  STP  ,  , VISIB,  ,  WDSP,  , MXSPD,  GUST,   MAX  ,  MIN  ,PRCP  ,SNDP , FRSHTT,
075100,99999, 19450101,   33.1, 7, 9999.9, 0, 1033.2, 7, 9999.9, 0,   6.7, 7,   4.2, 7,   9.9, 999.9,   39.0*,  25.0*, 0.00I,999.9, 000000,
075100,99999, 19450103,   34.0, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1028.8, 8, 9999.9, 0,   8.6, 8,   0.8, 8,   6.0, 999.9,   39.9*,  30.0*, 0.00I,999.9, 000000,
075100,99999, 19450104,   35.9, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1005.3, 8, 9999.9, 0,   5.1, 8,  10.4, 8,  16.9, 999.9,   41.0*,  32.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 011000,
075100,99999, 19450105,   36.1, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1012.5, 8, 9999.9, 0,   8.1, 8,  12.1, 8,  16.9, 999.9,   37.0*,  35.1*, 0.00I,999.9, 000000,
075100,99999, 19450106,   34.5, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1022.0, 8, 9999.9, 0,   9.9, 8,   2.5, 8,   9.9, 999.9,   37.9*,  32.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 001000,
075100,99999, 19450107,   34.9, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1020.9, 8, 9999.9, 0,   6.1, 8,   1.2, 8,   4.1, 999.9,   43.0*,  28.0*, 0.00I,999.9, 000000,
075100,99999, 19450108,   37.6, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1013.5, 8, 9999.9, 0,   8.8, 8,   1.7, 8,   4.1, 999.9,   44.1*,  33.1*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450109,   31.7, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1007.2, 8, 9999.9, 0,   7.2, 8,   1.2, 8,   4.1, 999.9,   36.0*,  27.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 011000,
075100,99999, 19450110,   31.2, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1009.9, 8, 9999.9, 0,   2.5, 8,   0.8, 8,   4.1, 999.9,   37.0*,  28.0*, 0.00I,999.9, 000000,
075100,99999, 19450111,   29.0, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1008.1, 8, 9999.9, 0,   3.1, 8,   0.8, 8,   4.1, 999.9,   32.0*,  26.1*,99.99 ,999.9, 001000,
075100,99999, 19450112,   22.6, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1008.4, 8, 9999.9, 0,   1.6, 8,   1.5, 8,   4.1, 999.9,   30.9*,  18.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 001000,
075100,99999, 19450113,   19.5, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1014.0, 8, 9999.9, 0,   5.0, 8,   1.0, 8,   6.0, 999.9,   23.0*,  16.0*, 0.00I,999.9, 000000,
075100,99999, 19450114,   24.3, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1016.2, 8, 9999.9, 0,   3.1, 8,   3.3, 8,   6.0, 999.9,   30.0*,  18.0*, 0.00I,999.9, 000000,
075100,99999, 19450116,   22.4, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1011.4, 8, 9999.9, 0,   4.4, 8,   4.5, 8,   6.0, 999.9,   30.0*,  17.1*, 0.00I,999.9, 000000,
075100,99999, 19450117,   22.7, 7, 9999.9, 0, 1014.9, 7, 9999.9, 0,   3.1, 7,   1.4, 7,   4.1, 999.9,   30.0*,  15.1*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450118,   42.6, 5, 9999.9, 0, 1012.7, 5, 9999.9, 0,   4.3, 5,   8.4, 5,  15.9, 999.9,   46.0*,  36.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450119,   42.3, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1010.8, 8, 9999.9, 0,   9.9, 8,  12.6, 8,  30.9, 999.9,   48.9*,  37.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450120,   40.4, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1015.1, 8, 9999.9, 0,   7.8, 8,   9.0, 8,  19.0, 999.9,   48.0*,  34.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450121,   37.0, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1016.3, 8, 9999.9, 0,  10.2, 8,   1.0, 8,   1.9, 999.9,   41.0*,  34.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450122,   36.9, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1019.8, 8, 9999.9, 0,   8.1, 8,   2.5, 8,   9.9, 999.9,   43.0*,  33.1*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450123,   46.5, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1008.9, 8, 9999.9, 0,   5.0, 8,  15.6, 8,  22.9, 999.9,   51.1*,  41.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450124,   44.9, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1009.2, 8, 9999.9, 0,   7.6, 8,   8.4, 8,  16.9, 999.9,   50.0*,  43.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 011000,
075100,99999, 19450125,   41.7, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1003.2, 8, 9999.9, 0,   7.1, 8,   2.8, 8,   4.1, 999.9,   45.0*,  37.9*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450126,   34.5, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1014.0, 8, 9999.9, 0,   6.8, 8,   4.7, 8,  12.0, 999.9,   37.9*,  30.0*, 0.00I,999.9, 000000,
075100,99999, 19450127,   41.9, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1012.5, 8, 9999.9, 0,   3.5, 8,  14.5, 8,  22.9, 999.9,   48.0*,  32.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450128,   32.9, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1021.7, 8, 9999.9, 0,   7.9, 8,   4.5, 8,   8.0, 999.9,   39.0*,  28.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450129,   29.0, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1030.3, 8, 9999.9, 0,   6.3, 8,   1.0, 8,   1.9, 999.9,   33.1*,  25.0*, 0.00I,999.9, 000000,
075100,99999, 19450130,   39.4, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1024.5, 8, 9999.9, 0,   3.8, 8,   4.3, 8,   9.9, 999.9,   51.1*,  30.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,
075100,99999, 19450131,   52.4, 8, 9999.9, 0, 1020.7, 8, 9999.9, 0,   8.9, 8,   3.0, 8,   8.0, 999.9,   57.0*,  48.0*,99.99 ,999.9, 010000,

- No global standard format to store station data - Every source uses its own format
Dataset Temporal Resolution # Stations Comment
Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) Daily ~75.000
Integrated Surface Dataset (ISD) Hourly ~35.000
Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD) Daily ~35.000 based on ISD
CLIMAT Monthly ~3.000
National Weather Services Daily/Hourly

Gridded Observations


Gridded Observations


Data Assimilation \begin{align} \mathbf{x}(0) - \mathbf{x}_b(0) & = \mathbf{\epsilon}_b \newline \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{H}(\mathbf{x}) & = \mathbf{\epsilon}_o \newline \frac{\partial \mathbf{x}}{\partial t} + \mathbf{M}(\mathbf{x}) & = \mathbf{\epsilon}_m \end{align}

Dataset Coverage Spatial Resolution Temporal Resolution Timeframe Type
CRU-TS v4.06 global ~50km monthly 1901-2021 gridded
GPCC v2020 global ~25km monthly 1891-2019 gridded
E-OBS v26.0e regional ~12.5km daily 1950-2022 gridded
ERA5 global ~25km hourly 1979-now Reanalysis
ERA5-Land global ~10km hourly 1979-now Reanalysis
W5E5 v2.0 global ~50km daily 1979-2019 Bias adjusted Reanalysis
PGF global ~50km daily 1948-2016 Bias adjusted Reanalysis
CHELSA-W5E5 v1.0 global ~1km daily 1979-2016 Bias adjusted and downscaled Reanalysis

Global Climate Models

Dataset Spatial Resolution Temporal Resolution Timeframe # Models Comment
CMIP3 ~200km daily/subdaily 1850-2100 ~24 AR4 (SRES scenarios)
CMIP5 ~100km daily/subdaily 1850-2100 ~50 AR5 (RCP scenarios)
CMIP6 ~100km daily/subdaily 1850-2100 ~96 AR6 (SSP scenarios)
ISIMIP2b ~50km daily 1861-2100 4 Bias adjusted CMIP5
ISIMIP3b ~50km daily 1850-2100 10 Bias adjusted CMIP6

Future (Socio-Economic) Scenarios

Pedersen et al. (2022)

Future (Socio-Economic) Scenarios


SRES - Special Report on Emission Scenarios
SSP - Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
RCP - Representative Concentration Pathways
## Climate Change Germany

Bias Adjustment

## Bias affects all modes of distribution
JJA 1971-2000, Bangladesh
## Bias affects all variables
Annual Precipitation Grid Cell over the Alps
GCM Simulation
## Bias affects all grid cells
Model - Observation, JJA 1971-2000, Bangladesh
# Mathematical # Definition of Bias \begin{align} \mathrm{Bias}[\hat \theta] = \mathrm{E}[\hat \theta] - \theta \end{align}
$\theta$ :
Real value of some quantity we would like to estimate e.g. average temperature, standard deviation of precipitation, number of hot days, ...
$\mathrm{E}[\hat \theta]$ :
Model estimate of $\theta$
$\mathrm{Bias}[\hat \theta]$ :
Difference between the real $\theta$ and our model estimate $\mathrm{E}[\hat \theta]$


Panofsky and Brier (1968)

Bultot et al. (1988)

Schmidli et al. (2006)

Leander and Buishand (2007)

Boé (2007)

Yang et al. (2010)

Piani and Haerter (2012)

Hempel et al. (2013)

Johnson and Sharma (2015)

Vrac and Friederichs (2015)

Cannon (2016)

Ngai et al. (2017)

Sippel et al. (2017)

Hoffmann et al. (2018)

Lange (2019)


## Problems with Bias Adjustment - Mostly statistical postprocessing with **no physical reasoning** (but in development) - Bias adjustment usually applied on **each variable seperately** - Depend on observation dataset as **reference** - **Sampling variability** interpreted as bias - Bias adjustment depend on **time scalei** - ...
**Tarim Basin**

Regional Climate Models

### Global Climate Model
### Regional Climate Model
Dataset Spatial Resolution Temporal Resolution Timeframe # Models Comment
CORDEX-EUR11 (CMIP5) ~12.5km daily/subdaily 1950-2100 ~32 AR5 (RCP scenarios)
BAdCORD-EUR11 ~12.5km daily 1971-2100 32 Bias adjusted CORDEX-EUR11
CORDEX-EUR11 (CMIP6) ~12.5km daily/subdaily - - in development
## GCM vs. RCM 2071-2100 vs. 1961-1990 --- RCP8.5 --- CMIP5: 89 simulations CORDEX-EUR11: 37 simulations
## Bias Adjustment - Technical Procedure