RAMSES city module - city page for Antwerp

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show: | Heat wave days | Urban heat island effect | Flood damage | Heat and productivity |

Current-day UHI-effect

Average temperature at midnight (local time) during the summer of 2011

The map shows the average temperature at midnight (local time) during the summer of 2011 as simulated with the UrbClim model. The resulting temperature in degrees Celsius is color-coded as resolved by the color-bar. It can be seen how the temperature varies between the city and surrounding.

Urban heat stress on hot summer day

Google earth heat stress animation showing the Mean Radiant Temperature (heat stress indicator) during a very hot summer day at 1 m resolution for the Antwerp urban area (Belgium). The values range from 30°C (dark blue) to 70°C (dark red). When the Mean Radiant Temperature is over 40°C (orange zones) people experience heat stress, when it is over 60°C (dark red zones) the situation is problematic (very high heat stress). The coolest locations are found in parks, where shading and evaporation provide cooling, whereas the hottest locations are found in small street canyons without vegetation in the inner city, where the radiation is trapped.