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The waves: propagation of perturbations

``Revenons à nos moutons'', i.e. let us consider the original problem again: There is the system of two nonlinear parabolic equations:
Since inhomogeneous equilibrium solutions do not exist, we can restrict to wave solutions of (16), i.e. solutions in the form
where tex2html_wrap_inline1037 is the velocity of wave, to study the propagation of perturbations and, secondly, to special class of initial conditions, which will generate these waves: tex2html_wrap_inline1039 and tex2html_wrap_inline1041 must be finite functions, i.e. they differ out of zero only on a finite interval.

If we substitute into (16) the form (17) then we get (let tex2html_wrap_inline1043):
This 2-dimensional system of second order ordinary differential equations can be transformed into a 4-dimensional first-order system if we add two phase variables p, q:
At the equilibria of (19) p and q must be zero. Then the equilibria of (4) are also equilibria of the two remaining equations of (19). But mention that the system dimensions are distinct.

In the remaining part of our paper we will focus on the development of such propagating waves under different initial conditions of T and N. It is necessary to solve (19) explicitly, which cannot be done analytically due to the nonlinearity of the system. Therefore further analysis of the system is carried out with numerical methods.

The original system (16) was solved for different initial conditions of the form:
N(x,0) is defined on a finite carrier [-w/2,w/2] and could be member of the class of initial perturbations generating nonlinear waves.

From now on N(x,t), T(x,t) are defined on a finite world tex2html_wrap_inline1065. Therefore the behaviour of the model must be defined at the boundaries x=-L,L. We choose periodic boundary conditions
defining a ring topology on tex2html_wrap_inline797.

The numerical calculations were done with an adaptive Runge-Kutta scheme after transforming the partial differential equations by a finite difference method into a system of ordinary ones. For a short description of the applied algorithms see, e.g., [14]). These calculations were repeated for a set of parameters w and tex2html_wrap_inline1073, i.e. different insolation tex2html_wrap_inline803, on the domain tex2html_wrap_inline797 and the following was observed:

If tex2html_wrap_inline1079 the evolution in time depends on the parameter w (the width of the rectangular initial condition for N as defined in (20)) (see Fig. 6a,b).

Figure 6: Evolution in time of the vegetation N(x,t) for a rectangular perturbation with (a) tex2html_wrap_inline1087, (b) tex2html_wrap_inline1089. The labels at the curves in (a) denote the different times t. The equidistant curves in (b) indicate a constant propagation velocity of the nonlinear waves.

If w is below a critical value tex2html_wrap_inline1095, then the solution N(x,t) vanishes in time, i.e.:
For tex2html_wrap_inline1089, however, a propagation of the initial perturbation with a constant velocity v can be observed (see Fig. 6b).

An explanation of this behaviour can be found if we compare the system with the equivalent system of the uniform biosphere: At the chosen tex2html_wrap_inline1073 two equilibria are stable with tex2html_wrap_inline935 and tex2html_wrap_inline1035(see Fig. 5b). It depends on the initial value of N which of the two equilibria are reached. The diffusive system exhibits a similar behaviour because the final state depends on the width of the initial perturbation.

As a first guess, the total amount of vegetation N, described by
seems to be an appropriate criterion for the development of propagating waves. However, this is not valid, the geometrical arrangement must also be taken into account. To prove this a composition of two rectangular perturbations (tex2html_wrap_inline1087, tex2html_wrap_inline1115) separated by a distance tex2html_wrap_inline1117 was used as an initial configuration:
Note that each of the rectangular perturbations tex2html_wrap_inline1119 alone (tex2html_wrap_inline1121) goes to zero for tex2html_wrap_inline1079. For tex2html_wrap_inline1125, however, we have
which propagates in time with nonlinear waves.

Figure: Development of the initial perturbation according to eq. 24 for (a) large tex2html_wrap_inline1117 and (b) small tex2html_wrap_inline1117.

A development of propagating waves occurs even for tex2html_wrap_inline1131 (Fig. 7b), while for large tex2html_wrap_inline1117 the perturbation vanishes in time (Fig. 7a).

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Werner von Bloh (Data & Computation)
Thu Jul 13 15:02:47 MEST 2000