Utilisation of CLUSTER-1600 in 2004

Monthly report of CPU time accounted

time accounted

Usage over 12 months
Month Uptime (%)Time accounted (h)
short long par medium registered seq large TOTAL
Jan94.00 0 29,613 56,989 0 0 9,507 238 96,347
Feb97.00 0 31,144 52,918 0 0 9,102 287 93,451
Mar100.00 7,893 40,123 84,528 172 21 6,867 2,814 142,419
Apr100.00 35,452 31,725 15,368 7,911 0 251 87 90,794
May100.00 33,787 29,617 20,120 11,898 0 320 19 95,761
Jun98.11 33,329 26,620 0 13,237 0 16 0 73,202
Jul96.90 45,741 26,680 0 9,174 0 9 25 81,629
Aug100.00 28,603 23,426 0 19,055 23 23 0 71,131
Sep100.00 69,636 27,978 0 27,437 36,194 5 0 161,249
Oct97.60 36,584 27,205 7 33,316 22,255 7 31 119,405
Nov96.10 57,955 12,191 4 30,550 0 4 0 100,704
Dec100.00 69,738 20,941 0 17,296 37,496 19 0 145,489
TOTAL 98.31 418,717 327,263 229,935 170,046 95,988 26,130 3,501 1,271,581

Rank Class Time (h) %
1short418,717 32.9
2long327,263 25.7
3par229,935 18.1
4medium170,046 13.4
5registered95,988 7.5
6seq26,130 2.1
7large3,501 0.3

Monthly report of jobs started

jobs started

Number of sequential jobs: 20493
Number of parallel jobs : 6556
Average number of tasks : 17.4

Usage over 12 months
Month Uptime (%)Number of jobs started
short long seq medium par large registered TOTAL
Jan94.00 0 859 1,288 0 442 67 0 2,656
Feb97.00 0 608 833 0 525 97 0 2,063
Mar100.00 163 551 952 4 317 90 1 2,078
Apr100.00 689 278 79 153 44 31 0 1,274
May100.00 1,460 193 164 213 36 1 0 2,067
Jun98.11 929 300 16 284 0 0 0 1,529
Jul96.90 1,166 260 86 281 0 9 0 1,802
Aug100.00 2,953 129 1 219 0 0 2 3,304
Sep100.00 2,009 363 11 269 0 0 2 2,654
Oct97.60 1,190 250 3 400 2 2 87 1,934
Nov96.10 1,870 187 9 365 2 0 0 2,433
Dec100.00 766 128 1 256 0 0 5 1,156
TOTAL 98.31 13,195 4,106 3,443 2,444 1,368 297 97 24,950

Rank Class Jobs %
1short13,195 52.9
2long4,106 16.5
3seq3,443 13.8
4medium2,444 9.8
5par1,368 5.5
6large297 1.2
7registered97 0.4

Monthly report of CPU time per groups

Usage over 12 months
Month Uptime (%)Time accounted (h)
prune lm ao-quest usr climber-3 spark climber3 climber bios-x guests gfz hydrex vme places best bis quest ice_quest klara tripedes quis waves up-race ice-quest climber3a recsim c-quest integrat modsimenv grain integration No_Group forevas prevent simenv glowa safe smart s tripleq europa balance modenv best-if biosx keine eem aoquest mygroup TOTAL
Jan94.00 29,671 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,819 0 68 3,897 0 0 0 8,918 3,347 8,657 0 0 10,256 6,555 4,816 0 0 0 3,149 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 0 212 0 279 0 0 0 92 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 96,834
Feb97.00 39,143 0 106 0 401 0 0 27,231 600 54 6,255 59 0 16 1,519 3,174 6,691 0 0 216 1,911 3,318 52 0 0 423 6 0 552 2,100 0 0 0 0 208 0 40 16 0 0 87 87 15 0 0 0 16 0 0 94,296
Mar100.00 32,416 545 12,778 0 14,494 750 393 2,180 8,922 7,477 10,161 31,635 86 434 9,369 7,084 1,938 0 0 0 0 0 464 233 0 0 80 1,025 497 0 0 0 0 497 0 356 56 361 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 144,245
Apr100.00 26,054 101 15,165 0 2,844 12,874 6,300 0 7,714 3,708 5,641 0 1,791 1,896 147 503 1,738 133 941 0 1,780 0 581 158 0 0 0 643 207 0 0 0 0 159 0 63 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91,182
May100.00 18,635 451 8,434 0 4,254 29,123 14,698 0 1,961 2,019 5,908 2,626 732 12 779 546 1,185 3,293 0 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 35 652 322 0 0 345 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96,112
Jun98.11 8,938 3,743 12,485 0 6,954 12,540 10,112 0 1,417 2,853 5,311 0 2,303 1 39 241 0 5,523 0 0 0 0 527 101 81 0 583 0 71 0 71 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 73,953
Jul96.90 128 14,720 18,768 3,053 10,965 14,672 4,380 0 254 2,324 962 308 8,407 27 260 162 0 1,941 0 0 0 0 127 80 0 0 321 0 64 0 0 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82,278
Aug100.00 8,720 437 14,928 9,255 10,546 2,677 7,078 0 4,349 1,817 1,531 683 3,052 4,350 163 294 0 2,245 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 245 0 118 0 0 485 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 73,087
Sep100.00 7,776 46,279 21,560 48,887 8,222 1,692 5,802 0 3,741 3,439 2,089 1,470 0 6,333 217 1,332 0 1,297 12 0 0 0 975 14 92 0 15 0 0 0 12 247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161,505
Oct97.60 3,899 34,150 11,762 8,454 8,104 1,096 9,847 0 15,642 847 1,356 238 36 2,780 2,832 1,455 0 2,264 5,958 0 0 0 4,242 0 3,082 0 126 0 0 0 1,342 30 177 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119,717
Nov96.10 9,744 19,122 7,077 16,836 7,628 3,245 6,233 1,044 6,622 189 1,609 130 404 8,133 395 3,099 0 3,011 3,492 0 0 0 17 1,133 374 0 548 0 3 0 467 3 27 0 0 0 0 0 3 185 0 0 0 0 5 17 0 0 3 100,797
Dec100.00 16,527 46,876 9,458 0 11,261 132 3,353 6,784 2,357 20,446 355 3,108 14,079 1,566 537 808 0 0 1,321 0 0 0 63 4,284 2,284 0 503 0 485 0 17 0 495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 16 0 147,133
TOTAL 98.31 201,651 166,425 132,523 86,487 85,671 78,799 68,196 54,059 53,578 45,240 45,074 40,255 30,891 25,549 25,176 22,043 20,210 19,709 11,725 10,472 10,246 8,134 7,218 6,002 5,913 3,572 2,463 2,320 2,319 2,179 1,909 1,288 699 696 420 419 414 377 216 185 179 103 35 23 22 17 16 16 7 1,281,140

Rank Group Time (h) %
1prune201,651 15.7
2lm166,425 13.0
3ao-quest132,523 10.3
4usr86,487 6.8
5climber-385,671 6.7
6spark78,799 6.2
7climber368,196 5.3
8climber54,059 4.2
9bios-x53,578 4.2
10guests45,240 3.5
11gfz45,074 3.5
12hydrex40,255 3.1
13vme30,891 2.4
14places25,549 2.0
15best25,176 2.0
16bis22,043 1.7
17quest20,210 1.6
18ice_quest19,709 1.5
19klara11,725 0.9
20tripedes10,472 0.8
21quis10,246 0.8
22waves8,134 0.6
23up-race7,218 0.6
24ice-quest6,002 0.5
25climber3a5,913 0.5
26recsim3,572 0.3
27c-quest2,463 0.2
28integrat2,320 0.2
29modsimenv2,319 0.2
30grain2,179 0.2
31integration1,909 0.1
32No_Group1,288 0.1
33forevas699 0.1
34prevent696 0.1
35simenv420 0.0
36glowa419 0.0
37safe414 0.0
38smart377 0.0
39s216 0.0
40tripleq185 0.0
41europa179 0.0
42balance103 0.0
43modenv35 0.0
44best-if23 0.0
45biosx22 0.0
46keine17 0.0
47eem16 0.0
48aoquest16 0.0
49mygroup7 0.0

Werner von Bloh (bloh@pik-potsdam.de) - Mon Jan 10 16:04:25 MET 2005

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